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You have drawn this card because you are opening doors of remembering, of reconnecting with your divine energy from Lemuria, with frequencies from Angelic, Elemental and Cosmic Realms. The realization of the Cosmic Heart Source brings you in full alignment to be an earthly channel that the higher realms can be received in.

You are awakening, or deepening your awakening, and anything that blocks this flow will come to the surface. Shedding old skin, old beliefs and identities, or deep feelings and emotions, can challenge your old reality, but it is also a celebration of love and light. Call in the Lemurians, the elemental beings, the angels and cosmic beings to guide you in this process.

What are you waking up from, which constructs of the human mind made up your old reality? Lemurian visions show that life can be joyful and effortless, a divine flow of oneness, quite different from the ego paradigm. Are you questioning who you were in the old paradigm, seeing a truth that is much deeper?

Trust to know that you are waking up to the light, and not to a nightmare, because fear can confuse the dark for the light, and the light for the dark. Can you feel the joy from Lemuria, the love from the Pleiades, and the guidance from the ascended masters? Do you feel excited and curious about the light you are awakening to, ready to discover more?

You might see a big contrast between the old paradigm and the new one, between the mental space and the heart. Many go back and forth for a while, but the old vision becomes outdated, loses credibility, while you are recognizing and remembering you’re at home in your Heart, embracing the New Paradigm.

When you wake up, you have an incredible influence on all your surroundings, your relationships and your family system. At first it might seem like you are opposed by their magnetic forces, then you discover that going beyond magnetic influence is part of the paradigm transformation, of being on the New Earth.

The mind might try to slow you down, try to disempower you, which is mostly an inside job. It doesn’t have power over you, because you are supported by many angels and guides, and by the whole universe. But the mind might try to tell you that you aren’t capable of going to the next step of your awakening when, in fact, your heart can be strong and unaffected by interferences.

- Know who You are

- DNA Activation

- Consciousness

- Deep Healing.

“I see through God's eyes of pure consciousness, as the eternal see-er, because this is the realization that is upon me.”

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