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Explore 88 Lemurian Starchild Oracle Cards by Category

1. Arise
- Know and Flow as the Love you are - Bliss - Knowing yourself as Love - Flow - Surrender - Embracing and expressing your Truth - Ecstasy - Bliss.


1. Cosmic Heart Source
- Source of All - True Home - Just Be - Heart Connection - The Divine at the Heart of All - Oneness - Creator

2. Breathe the Sun
- Presence - Pineal Activation - Relax - Let go - Photon-breathing- - Invitation into Presence - Molecules of Light

3. Divine Feminine
- Receive your Birthright - Unconditional Love - Womb - Let yourself be nurtured

4. Divine Masculine
- Rise of True, Gentle Power - True Strength - Spirit - Passion and inspiration - Source self - Action - Structure - Practicality

5. Divine Blueprint
- Source Self Embodiment - Inspiration - You are Ready - Source-self inspired - Creators Plan - Beyond Akashic Records

6. Creation
- Unique Expression - Flow of Creation - Joyfulness - Express with Joy - Be Yourself - Open to the New - You have a Unique Part to Play

7. Abundance
- Fullness of Source - Enough for All - Open - River of Abundance - Non-competition - Co-operate - Natural state of Universe - Manifestation - Acceptance - Open to Receive

8. Joy of Life
- Trust - Open your Hands - Share - Let go - You are the Chalice

9. Flow
- Release Control - Divine Will - Oceanic Consciousness - Non-attachment - Go beyond Identity

10. Tree of Life
- Circle of Life - Clear Energies - Channel for Divine Energy - Torus - Layers of Energy Field - Cycle of life - Keep your energy field clear

11. Nurture
- Self-Healing - Ruby Ray - Birthing the New Earth - Earth Star - Divine Co-creation - Grounding Divine Energies - Loving womb of Mother Gaia - Birthing the New Earth


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1. Divine Cosmic Mother Womb
- You are Loved and Safe - Rest Now - Sleep Well - Be Nurtured

2. Share Space
- Telepathy - Co-creation - Communing - Honoring - Christ Consciousness - Peaceful Shared Space - Release judgment - Opportunities for new ways of relating - Healing relationship wounds - Honor other AND self.

3. Inner Child Attunement
- Go Within - Listen - Loving Parenting - Attune - Scan your Energy Bodies - Love and Listen to You - Be a Loving Parent to Yourself.

4. Lemurian Egg
- Rest - Reintegration of Divine Potentials - Retreat - Blueprint for Heaven on Earth - Manifestation

5. Lemurian Guide
- Sister - Friend - Teacher of Infinite - Universal Love - Marriage of Elven and Angelic ones - Divine Union - Auriel - Earth Angels.

6. Light Language
- Universal Language of Oneness, of Love - Listen with your Heart - With your heart speak to all life. - Listen, to Communicate, - Heart speak - Language of all life - Authenticity and love - Language of ONENESS. - Molecules of Light

7. Shine your Light
- Wise Action to increase compassion - Be a Space for Grace - Quan Yin - Mary Magdalene - Collective Healing

8. Unlock your Gifts
- Sacred Gifts - Energy Senses - Pure Love is the Key. - Honor and use them. - They are natural. - Miracles. - Instant manifestation. - Healing. - Clairvoyance. - Light Language.

9. Forgiveness
- See the Bigger Picture - Trust and open to the Healing - Let go of hurts - Ho’opo’ono

10. Dove of Peace
- Stay in the heart - All is Well - Be at Peace - Confidence - Release judgments - Heal whatever is arising - All is well and all manner of things will be well.

11. Light Family
- Signs - Guidance - Innate and Ancient Wisdom - New Blessings - Divine Initiations



1. Sovereignty
- Right to Choose - Immunity to Hooks - Enlightened Solar plexus - Choices - Resolving shame issues

2. Awakening
- Know who You are - DNA Activation - Consciousness - Deep Healing.

3. Opening the Heart
- Right to Love and be Loved - Heart Healing - Healing Grief Issues - Opening the Heart Chakra

4. Surrender
- Release Misaligned Energies - Retune to your Truth - Clear old Trauma - Healing Soul Scars

5. Guidance
- Inner compass - Support - Trust your Guidance - Dowsing - Signs - Guides - Trust

6. Stepping Stones
- Take the Next Step - Let go of the Old Paradigm. - Evolutionary Leaps. - Know you are Creator.

7. Sacred Mountain
- Vision Quest - Clarity and Truth - Shambhala - Deep Healing - Supporting Earth’s Ascension - Healing the Unconscious

8. Travel
- Inner and Outer Journeys - Believe in Yourself - Big Shifts - All is frequency - You are your intention - Find peaceful solution by connecting with Higher Self.

9. Dolphins
- Play! - It’s O.K. to Relax - Smile Again - Share your flow - All is Well - Fun and Loving interaction is Natural

10. Beyond Cycles
- Find and Embrace Yourself - New Directions - Releasing Old Patterns - Cosmic manifestation of Divine support - Photon belt - Cosmic alignments - Return

11. Ships of Light
- Beam up your vibration - Open to your Star Family - Sacred Geometry



1. Restore
- Settle in order to see - Go into Nature - Be Nurtured by Shamanic Signs - Take time alone - Recalibrate

2. Emergence
- Celebrate - Sensuality and Pleasure - Right to Feel and Enjoy - Finding your Joy - Truly Living - Sacral Chakra - Resolving guilt issues - Just being - Playing - Sunshine - End of major clearing

3. Storm
- It’s O.K. to feel it all - Cleanse - Collapse of the Old - Realignment - Watch the storms in life - Send it all love, light and acceptance – it will mellow.

4. Well of Dreams
- Creation - Visions - Dissolve the Veil - Bliss - Dreams - Messages

5. Elen of the Ways
- Attune to Nature's Signs to Find your Way - Follow your Heart - Ancient knowing - Visions and Shamanic Ceremonies - Circle of Life - Plant Lore

6. Synchronicity
- Opportunities in Divine Timing - Open to Change - Spontaneous occurrences - Perfectly aligned interaction. - Divine Outcomes - Space is needed for new opportunities to embody the Light - Something from out of the blue - Even storms have a purpose.

7. Lemurian Shaman
- Shadow Dissolving in Gaze of Truth - Going Beyond Fear - Initiation - Animal and plant Guides - Pink Dolphins - Mirroring the Source Self

8. Elders
- Spiritual Mentoring - Equality - Stability - Wisdom - Councils - Experience - Ancestors - Guides - Multidimensional existence - Star friends - Teachers.

9. Initiation
- Deep Trust - Depth of Healing - Reconnection with the All - Huge but Gentle power - Wise Speech - Timelessness - Holding Frequencies of Freedom

10. Fire of Transformation
- Radical Purification - Use the Violet Flame - Surrendering - Resurrection - Phoenix

11. Peace beyond Survival
- Peacemaker through Inner Peace - Resolving ancient splits - The Lion and the Lamb,



1. Purity
- You are Pure - Open Spiritual Eyes - Purity is Key - Authentic - Integrity - Grounded and Magical - Guidance

2. Breathing
- Feel your Body - Feel sensations - Clearing, - Expression

3. Blessing Beyond the Soul Path
- Honor all Life - Exchange of Joy without Karma or Sacrifice - Paradigm shift - Bless Food - Nurture - Respect for land, animals and plants

4. Expression
- Authentic Expression - Words are Powerful - Truth - Right to express and be heard - Transparency - Authenticity - Resolving issues of Truth - Light Language

5. Manifest
- Co-creation - Gratitude - Divine Alignment - Joyful Visions - Consciously focus on Blessings - Gratitude - Align with the Divine

6. Healing
- Gentleness of Love - Realignment - Transformation - Receive - Clear

7. Integration
- Forgive Self and Others - Inner Reunion - Let go of Defenses - Open all the Doors Within - Welcome the Fragments of You - Mirrors

8. The Last Cloak
- Releasing old identities - Magnificence Realized - Unveiling your highest truth - Source-self - Lightbody

9. The New Man
- Enlightened Masculine - Potential - New Earth

10. Cities of Light
- Telos - Adama - Inner Earth - Etheric Retreats - Family of Light - Inner Earth Communication - New Earth Potential

11. Heaven on Earth
- All are Invited - 5th Dimension -.New Earth - Spirit in Matter. - Close by. - Frequency. - Manifestation. - Divine Potential. - Life in Awareness of Oneness. - Communing. - Every Moment is an Invitation.



1. Key to your Freedom
- Healed Inner Child - Create Inner Safety - Be kind to yourself - Balance

2. Way of Pearls
- Liminal Space - New Energies - Trust - Time of growth - Beautiful outcomes with New Shimmering Energies - Healing

3. Heart of Ascension
- Expansion - Love for All - Playfulness - Higher Heart - Release the Past - Freedom - Joy - Resolving childhood trauma

4. Elven Ones
- Divine Creation Codes - Starborne Architects - Devas - Sacred Geometry - Earth guardians - Sparkling Starlight - Infusing Molecules of Light

5. Know Yourself
- Meditate - Who am I? - Veil of forgetting is Lifting - Opening - Bigger Perspective - Multidimensional - Heart of God - One with All.

6. Observe
- Loving eyes see all - Equanimity - See the Truth - Step Back

7. Whale Teaching
- Depth of Experience and Healing - Teacher and Mentor - Share your wisdom - Deep emotions - Healing - You are supported and guided.

8. Essences and Energies
- Attune to Subtle Energies - Balance - Frequency Holders. - Signature Energies e.g. Crystals, Plants, Animals. - Unique Gifts. - Bringing Healing through Balancing Energies.

9. Portals
- Doorways into NOW - Letting go of the Warrior - Collapse of the old paradigm - Blissful Dimensions - Blessings of Today - Your Truth.

10. Vision of Unity
- Focus on the Light - Right to See - Resolving Issues of Illusion - Pineal Activation - Clear Seeing - Insights

11. Resolution
- Realign Beyond Polarity - Higher Self Expression - Collapse of Old Timelines into Pure Expression in this Life - New Insights - Spirit coming more Fully into Matter - Soul Awareness Dissolving into Higher-Self’s Awareness. - Higher-Self Embodiment.



1. Crown
- Right to know - Seeing through attachment - Align with Divine Will - Cosmic Consciousness, - Resolving issues of attachment to externals - Going beyond attachment and the emotions involved, beyond security. - Following the divine promptings within.

2. Star Connection
- Guidance from the Stars - Galactic Self - Unified Field - Constant and Permanent Divine Guidance - Oneness

3. Cosmic Circles
- Create Sacred Space - Embrace Unlimited Possibilities - Circle of Light Family - Sacred Geometry

4. Multidimensional
- Multiple Dimensions - Timelines - Other life experiences - Be yourself – don’t even try to fit in! - Guidance from the Stars - Potentials

5. Rising to the Pleiadian Frequencies
- Sacred Bond - Healing Clears Space for Higher Energies - Nurture with Gentle Music, Flowers and Crystals - Healing the lower bodies clears space for Higher Energies

6. Sirian Emissaries
- Dream for the New Earth - Time now for a Magical Life - Planetary Architects - Light Family - Amara

7. Cosmic Self
- You are a cosmic being - Cosmic multidimensional healing - See beyond illusion - Stay confident in your truth.

8. Arcturians
- Pure White Light - DNA Healing - Sacred Geometry - Removing Negativity - Advanced Spiritual Guidance

9. Angelic Ones
- Divine Healing is upon you - Divine Grace and Divine Guidance - Light from the Throne of God - New Earth - Inspiration - Singing - Mystical unfoldment - Outpouring love.

10. Depths of Love
- Let go of Fear to Jump into Love - Let go beyond Attachments

11. Universe
- Metatron - Wholeness - Commune with all Life - Microcosm/Macrocosm - Freedom

Cosmic Insight

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1. Blue Ray Being
- Direct Divine Expression - Bridge between Dimensions - Archangel Michael - High vibrational Being - Cosmic Communication - Education - Extraterrestrial.

2. Dolphin Baby
- Lemurian Origin - Flow - Timeless - Adaptable - Free - Take your Time - Aqua - Relaxed

3. Indigo Child
- Inspire - Heart - Dialogue - Action - Passion - Community - Wisdom

4. Earth Angel
- Kindness - Sensitivity is Strength - Higher Perspective - Divine Abilities - Divine Child

5. Rainbow Child
- Unstoppable - New Earth builder - Multi-talented - Miraculous Alchemy - Self-worth

6. Crystal Child
- Your Natural Core - Pure - Innocent - Removing Falsehood - Seer - You are a Clear Channel - Wonder of Life and You - Gift for the New Earth - Know and Enjoy your own Energies - Clear out other Energies.

7. Star Children
- No Veils - Psychic - Different - Cosmic Inspiration and Light. - Extra-terrestrial

Children of Lemuria

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1. Ether and Matter
- Spiritualize matter - New Life - Sparkles - Basking in the Light. - Holistic Integration - Light in Density - Travel through Dimensions - Non-judgment

2. Fire and Water
- Stillness amidst turmoil - Feel your Feelings - Emotional Integration - Heart Connection - Divine Alchemy

3. Earth and Air
- Stabilization - Physical Integration - Mental Clearing. - Circle of Life - Purification - Nesting Space - Manifestation - Sharing our Light - Breathe in Light

Dolphin Codes

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