Being the parent for a Blue Ray
Children of the Blue Ray are guides, teachers and healers of the New Paradigm. They find it hard to understand and accept Old Earth limitations, which can make them deeply emotional at times. Their pain of separation is very intense because they feel oneness and unity on a very deep level.
The love and compassion of the Blue Ray is perceived as weakness by those in the Old Paradigm. ‘Why are they not competing as much, why do they give in?’ The Blue Ray Child doesn’t emphasize their needs, because they identify with a vision for the highest good of all.
When you are sharing space with such a child, they shine their Blue Ray Light on you as well. Can you receive their love and compassion, or do you feel resistant? Aspects that you don’t love about yourself might come to the surface for healing. Embrace this process by realizing that the Blue Ray is also within you. You can call in the unconditional love and healing of the Blue Ray any time you like.
Call in Archangel Michael to watch over these children and to guide their learning process. When Blue Ray Children give their love and compassion, others might try to claim and possess it. It is important to show them that they are free, not responsible for another’s healing. This creates space in which they can receive more love, and embrace their individuality.
Do you find it hard to communicate with a Blue Ray child? Realize that they are intimately connected with their guides, such as Archangel Michael. Gently step into their world by making references to the Angels in stories or drawings. In this shared space, you can start to communicate with the guides of the child to assist them on their journey.
Related Cards:
- Direct Divine Expression
- Bridge between Dimensions
- Archangel Michael
- High vibrational Being
- Cosmic Communication
- Education
- Extraterrestrial.
Related Category: Source
“As a Blue Ray, I Bring Love, Clarity and Wisdom. This guiding light gives direction to the lost, and guides others further along their path.”
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Blue Ray Being
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