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Your crown is a portal to Divine love. Allow yourself to be loved, to be love. The whole cosmos is connecting to you, coming into your crown in waves of light. Let this cosmic portal activate fully.

Receive cosmic frequencies of golden love-light through your crown, then let the light permeate within your whole body. This is about receiving cosmic love and letting the divine overtake your physical structure, your emotions and even your mind. When you step aside to let the Divine do its work, many physical Miracles happen in your life.

You need to let go, to let God; let go of the idea that you are your physical body. The ego-mind wants to hold on with all its might, it can’t let go of its perceived anchor. But you can let go of the mind, because you know in your heart that your body is not an anchor for your ego. Your body is a divine instrument, designed to emanate divine frequencies into the physical world.

The mind can be like a dog with a bone, unwilling to let go. But you can observe the dog, who is like a possessive child, acting out a common human pattern. Can you open up so much that you lose your small self? It might be frightening for your inner child, and it might give you many opportunities to heal. Allow yourself to be without force, to be the awareness of everything.

Some thoughts might tell you that you need to wait for something to complete you. But even when you are completely well, the Ego can’t let go of the body. How could it let go of something so valuable as a healed and pain-free body? The mind always finds a reason to hold on, because it doesn’t want to lose out. The answer is for you to lose your mind! Receive the cosmic love from the whole universe through your crown, by simply letting go of thinking.

Let your family of light connect with you and commune with you, your crown is also a channel of communication. The Angels, the Pleiadians, the Lemurians and the ascended masters, like Krishna, all want to connect with you. They want to give you many more gifts of light, gifts of communication.

Let the light be like a stream that flows through your whole body. Now every cell is communicating with your family. Let you family come closer and closer, and let your cells vibrate faster and faster.

- Right to know

- Seeing through attachment

- Align with Divine Will

- Cosmic Consciousness,

- Resolving issues of attachment to externals

- Going beyond attachment and the emotions involved, beyond security.

- Following the divine promptings within.

“I am Source”

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