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In the depths of awakening lies a liberated paradigm of love, deeper than mental grasping and emotional clinging, and unaffected by betrayal or neglect. Fear melts away in the arms of the Divine Feminine, intimately present in the Depths of Love. This card invites you to go beyond the mind’s perception of Love, to embrace Universal Love.

Isn’t listening to the heart what counts the most, even if the voice of fear tells you not to? Love always comes from the same Cosmic Heart Source, whether it’s cosmic love for the whole planet, sharing with friends and family, or intimate love for a partner.

Perhaps you have heard of twin flames, of divine complements, of a marriage of the heart. After you heard about it, perhaps you have started to seek for ‘the one’, the answer to your prayers. Know that this is the seeking of the mind, know that you must quiet your mind in order to find.

The highest form of Love is to let go, to go beyond attachments. Some never attach to anyone fully; however they are attached to their own fear. The fear to fully jump into a relationship, and the fear to let go are part of the same attachment. Dear one, if nothing new is coming into your life it might be because you are attached to the old paradigm, to old ways of being, and in this case the message of this card is to let go and jump in the ocean of Love.

The first thing you will find in the ocean of Love is the Love of Self, the nurturing of your Body and Soul. In the waves and the warm waters, you learn to flow freely, to be unaffected by the strings of attachment. Washed away are Soul Contracts, agreements and shackles, never to return again. In the Ocean of Love, you are playing like a dolphin, completely free and unaffected by ripples on the surface.

Then you feel a gentle ripple touch you, you feel it through your sonar sense, and instantly you are in Divine Bliss. Through your clairvoyance, you know that this is another being, and a loving connection is formed, even before you meet each other.

Now you are ready to meet this Ecstatic Being, you are ready to deepen this connection. You are simply allowing it to happen in Divine flow, and as your fins touch theirs, you feel a gentle electricity.

- Let go of Fear to Jump into Love

- Let go beyond Attachments

“I feel a firework of joyful recognition; the pure light in me springs forth embracing the pure Light in you. Let us dance together with the whole of creation.”

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