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Being the parent for an Earth Angel

Earth Angels bring healing and compassion to the world through their gentle nature. They are incarnated angels, and an aspect of them is in the angelic realms.

Do you know a little angel, a child who emanates much love? They need their gentleness to be reciprocated, because they are not used to bluntness in the realms they originate from.

The Earth Angel needs compassion because they feel others very deeply. They are sensitive to the emotions of everyone around them, whether they are family or strangers. This can overwhelm them and they might be learning to cope with these impressions. Give them some space while also trying to avoid giving them too many commands, because they might be busy processing painful emotions from others.

Whether you have clear boundaries or you give yourself away sometimes, you might have an opinion on the ways of the Earth Angel. Can you understand their unconditional love without judging it? In their process of love, they are learning to respect another’s healing process by letting go of the expected outcome.

The boundary, then, that these little angels find, is not to withhold their love, but rather to be in the flow of love. By letting go of situations and people that keep them stuck, by avoiding an accumulation of energy, they open up to self-love and self-compassion.

Do you like to connect to your child, or do you find it uncomfortable if a child can feel your emotions? You are invited to share with them from your heart without burdening them with your problems. Earth Angels need to learn that they are not responsible for another’s healing, nor do they need to process emotions for others, even if they feel them. They can always be in the flow of love, without holding it back in any way.

- Kindness

- Sensitivity is Strength

- Higher Perspective

- Divine Abilities

- Divine Child

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