Dear one, can you hear the call from your Elders? Whoever your mentors are, physical or etheric, allow their calls to be heard. Whether they are Devas or Dolphins, Human or Pleiadian, Angels or Ascended ones, allow their energies in your Heart.
You have drawn this card because mentoring is on your path, either as a guide or to be guided. Do you feel equal in your mentoring relationships? The old paradigm of inequality is over now, and the Elders would like to show you the joy of walking side by side with each other on the New Earth.
Imagine that in Lemuria you are guided by an elephant, a bird and a dolphin. They speak to you in the Language of Light, the language of the soul. They show you codes of light, energetic tools that you can use, and powerful verbal reminders of the Divine. They never put you down, they lift you up to a higher elevation of light.
Your guides bring you to vortices of light, Lemurian energies that you would like to explore. The places and energies that they show you are pristine, pure and light, with beautiful colors such as turquoise, light blue, spring green and white. Together, you are sharing radiant light language, codes that are passed on between lightworkers. The Heart connection with your guides creates a beautiful magnification of these vortices of light, and of the moment that you share.
What words do you hear from your Guides, are they light and joyful? The Lemurian energy is of equality and mutual honoring, of light and gentleness. Words of dense energy are only spoken by the mind.
Perhaps you are connecting with Lemurian angels, ascended Pleiadians or other beings from the stars. They too walk side by side with you, in a process of friendship and mutual honoring. Allow their words to reach your ears.
If you are a mentor for someone else, then receive guidance and support for this process, and know that you don’t need to feel alone in this role. Connect with your guides to let them speak through you, to bring in words of grace, lightness and compassion.
- Spiritual Mentoring
- Equality
- Stability
- Wisdom
- Councils
- Experience
- Ancestors
- Guides
- Multidimensional existence
- Star friends
- Teachers.
“I accept and embrace the Wisdom of the Elders, as I am lifted up onto the Shoulders of Giants.”

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