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Dolphin guides come in to clear expressive blocks, especially for those who have been shamed or persecuted for their words. It is the flow of expression itself that heals, that transports old energies to the light. The Dolphins flow alongside us in a sacred process that allows us to be fully ourselves through expressing our Truth.

You have drawn this card because you’ve got something to express, such as words, songs, dance or art. Do you feel held back in any way, is something blocking you? The Dolphins offer their assistance in expressing new energy on your path of flow. They are always on the move, always spontaneous and playful. Allow them to reach you telepathically so that they can share their wisdom.

When the Dolphins interact with humans, they are always free in their expression. “Do they have no fear of being judged, like I sometimes have?” you might wonder. The Dolphins are not so connected to the linear mind, although they can feel the energy of it. Therefore, they don’t take the judgments of the mind so seriously.

Allow the Dolphins to show you how to access your multidimensional mind, which serves the Heart. You can learn by playing with them, by expressing yourself spontaneously. Every Dolphin has unique Light Codes that they would like to share with you.

Can you see emotional issues as bubbles in the water that rise up to the light? The Dolphins show you how to heal any imprints of fear from the collective human mind. By flowing into other dimensions that support your clearing and healing, you receive much love and compassion.

When you swim with the Dolphins, you might feel like a child and a wise elder at the same time. Allow all these facets to integrate in a beautiful swirl of light.

The cards from the Dolphin Codes Category have further messages of integration for you. The dolphins help you to integrate holistically through the Ether and Matter card. Connect deeply with the Dolphins to express the wisdom of the sea, and connect to the stars to express the wisdom from Pleiades and Sirius. There is no need to limit yourself by only expressing Heaven or only expressing Earth. You are being called to express Heaven on Earth, which is the synthesis and the integration.

- Authentic Expression

- Words are Powerful

- Truth

- Right to express and be heard

- Transparency

- Authenticity

- Resolving issues of Truth

Related cards: Ether and Matter, Fire and Water, and Earth and Air from the Dolphin Codes Category

- Light Language

“I Express myself with pure Joy and Love, releasing the inhibitions from the chatty mind.”

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