Forgiveness comes as an ascended guide, a wounded healer, a shaman, and an Elder, relieving karmic energy from the old paradigm in a deep purification. Lemurian aspects and energies come forward to heal any pain, density and stuckness, to shine light on deep inner layers.
You are in a process of healing and purification, which creates space for your Heart to expand, so that you can fully step into the New Paradigm. Do you feel small in some ways? Then allow your small self to receive Ho’opo’ono (forgiveness) so that the love of your Higher Self can come through to illuminate the world.
Do you see yourself as good or bad, do you feel guilty or like a victim? This defined your Earthly identity, but in the Heart of God you are much more expanded.
Forgiveness is a shift in identity so that you can see everyone, including yourself, as a Lemurian Starchild. Being able to see the beauty of Eden, and seeing everyone in their light, allows you to see that all is part of the divine plan. You can then ask your Lemurian guides to complete all processes, and clear out all karmic contracts and agreements. This allows you to go beyond cycles of anger and forgiveness, into a higher paradigm of love and light, where everything is naturally forgiven.
Creator's gift of freedom allows every child to explore, create and play in different frequencies. This joyful freedom was fully embraced by the Lemurians, who felt the loving thread in this gift, which kept the dreams they were weaving fully aligned with Source.
In fully opening their hearts to receive the gifts with love, their gratitude and joy poured out through all of their expressions. In this way, Lemuria was truly Eden, a place of paradise and Heaven on Earth.
The Divine mind did not give form to any illusion, for the Lemurians were in peace and did not seek to be anywhere but the beautiful present. Their connection with Source Love was not questioned; as such it was wide and unimpeded. Through it flowed everything they needed and their bellies were full because everything was allowed to be the joyful expression of God's love that it was intended to be.
- See the Bigger Picture
- Trust and open to the Healing
- Let go of hurts
- Ho’opo’ono
Related Card: Rising to the Pleiadian Frequencies
“I see the Full Weave of co-creation and forgive it all now, in all timelines.”
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