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We, the Lemurian Collective, would like you to play, both you and your inner child. Do you feel heavy because life is not going your way, because you are in a dense environment, or would you simply like to receive a blessing? Rest in our arms, dear one, the arms of the Divine Mother. Let us embrace all of your feelings, until you can smile again. Receive Divine Love until you can roll around on the floor, laughing with the joy of just being alive, at the Divine joke of it all!

Do you feel stifled? Well, the Joy of Life can help you find the courage and impulse to go inward to find your true creativity. You have something beautiful and unique to share with this world! It is time to spread your wings and be the messenger of this joy. Even if you don’t completely feel it yet, by giving joy you can receive it a thousand-fold.

You, my Lemurian Starchild, are a unique part of an ecstatic and endlessly creative Universe. The Divine Consciousness behind this Universe flows with bliss and unending Love. We invite you to be the chalice for the Joy offered afresh to you and all beings every moment of every day. As the Joy at the Heart of Life pours through you, you will be refreshed, revitalized and made new.

The ambrosia of the Heavens is deliciously real and so enlivening, you naturally want to hold tightly to it. Do you suffocate your inner joy? Hold onto it so tightly that your chalice cannot be refilled? You are asked to Trust that in letting go of old joys, you hand your sacred cup back to God who will replenish it with the golden nectar of new ones.

As you open your heart to receive full Love, Joy and Bliss, your natural state of being and birthright, you align with Divine Will as part of the flow of endless Grace. Expressing your gratitude and appreciation for all the blessings you receive, sharing abundantly as your cup overflows, just as the Creator shares with you, will help you to stay bathed in Eternity's sunrise.

The easiest way to welcome joy into your life is to let go of judgment and expectation. Your inner child recognizes this on an intuitive level, not being anchored in the analytical mind. It knows that the love of God isn’t lessened if you feel sad or depressed! By going beyond the mind, joy can reach you in unexpected ways.

Visualization for the Inner Child

- Trust

- Open your Hands

- Share

- Let go

- You are the Chalice

Related Card: If you have also drawn the Comet of Creation then this card tells you to start your creation with great joy.

“I let go and Surrender, trusting in the Flow of God’s Love which has brought me to this moment.”

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