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Lemurian Starchild, a doorway of love and light is before you, a portal to the New Earth where you walk your life purpose. Your Inner Child wants to give you the key to the door, the key of love, balance and surrender. It is your clarity, care and compassion that allows you to use this key, because to soar to great heights, you must also honor the depths within.

Your Inner Child asks you to embrace feelings, because they are the vessel through which its messages flow. Have you been feeling sensitive, or would you like to get in touch with your sensitivity? Can you observe your emotional reactions, and also feel your playfulness and innocence? All of these states are messages from your Inner Child who is getting in touch with you.

Do you feel that the key to your freedom is hidden at times? Be the parent to your Inner Child by balancing action with receptiveness. Take walks in nature, find moments of rest and inner peace, and explore your creativity. By harmonizing your masculine and feminine aspects, you create a space in which you can receive your Inner Child.

See now this golden and turquoise door that reminds you of Lemurian Oneness. Can you remember that you already walked through this door many times, and that it is your birthright to do so? In many dimensions you are already on the other side! Visualize that you are there, and that many emotional issues are healed effortlessly.

You are invited to open this door once again to fulfill your Destiny. Your Higher Self tells you how to fearlessly walk through this Doorway of the Open Heart. Remember the flow of your True Nature, remember the ease and freedom of walking through any doorway you like.

Would you like to know the secret of this door? Try to open it by pushing and pulling it with force! This is like trying to resolve life issues with control and effort. You don’t see the key if it’s hidden in a clenched fist, it can only be found in the open hand of your Inner Child.

Lemurian Starchild, walk through this doorway of freedom now, and accept that your world is changing radically. You might feel like you are going from black and white to color, from thinking to feeling, from mental chatter into the heart. Now you are seeing the beautiful colors of Lemuria, and feeling the Divine flow of oneness, as if you are a dolphin or a mermaid in the ocean. Let these experiences come to you, and do not resist the healing that comes on your path. It is through the healing of your wounds that you integrate your child aspects and that you discover your true nature.

- Healed Inner Child

- Create Inner Safety

- Be kind to yourself

- Balance

“I let go of the past as Light and Love floods my whole being.”

“I am Home.”

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