You are being shown many realities, many versions of yourself. Your Earth self is only one version; you can be on many planets and in many dimensions simultaneously. The emotional issues that you are working out on Earth reflect many other lives in many other worlds.
On Earth, the voice of the Ego can be strong and might try to distract you from this spiritual process. If you are not caught up in its machinations you can still hear it around you in warning and advice, even if it is meant kindly. Do not be put off by these ego voices, dear one.
The plan that you are fulfilling is much greater than it may appear on first sight. Every act has infinite reverberations throughout the Universe, which, however, doesn’t judge any vibration. Allow your vision to expand to these infinite proportions so that you can be free of ego. All dimensional versions of you are in support of your Earthly life, in loving support of the Heart.
Have you received wisdom and clarity in dreams or meditations, connecting you to your other dimensional selves? In the light realms, your Cosmic Self is showing you the path of love and integrity. There are infinite resources expressed with gentle guidance in every moment of your life. You are at a pivotal point, a crucial dimensional shift, a funnel in which all universal energy and guidance comes together to support your Earthly life.
In this process of embracing more of your infinite self it becomes less important to try to fit in. You might get ego advice for directions that are not of your true nature. Allow yourself to be guided, allow the Lemurians to come and connect you to the right people on Earth. At the same time, let the Pleiadians show you even more of your multidimensional self, your infinity.
Let go of the analytical thinking of the mind and the ego. In the multidimensional realms you are entering, it is of no use to you. Attune to multidimensional thinking and Light Language. In this way, you can activate sacred codes and clear out every thought form and emotional energy that you no longer need.
In this process, you might receive activations from multidimensional complements, other beings that you have a Divine connection with. They can be like a twin flame, but are not limited by Earthly definitions of that concept. You may or may not meet them in your Earthly life, but the divine connections can give an exchange of Sacred Encodements.
- Multiple Dimensions
- Timelines
- Other life experiences
- Be yourself – don’t even try to fit in!
- Guidance from the Stars
- Potentials
Related Cards: Light Language, Star Children
“High-vibrational visions are coming to me from Cosmic Guides and Angels. I have drawn this card because they are reaching out to open my Heart to my dreams.”

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