Your family of light invites you to an attunement of unlimited possibility to answer deep questions you might have. “Can the Lion and the Lamb sit down together? Can I be completely at peace with my emotions, without any need for defense or protection, even when I feel deep wounds? Can I feel the power and courageousness of the Heart, unimpaired by any victimhood, and unaffected by any negativity from others?”
“Yes!” say your guides of light, but the linear mind might have some objections. “Am I not too wounded to find peace, to open my Heart? What if the Lion becomes hungry, or the Lamb becomes afraid?” Miracles can happen, Lemurian Starchild, just open your Heart to the possibility!
Lemurian guides tell of the great power of raising your vibration. Predators can become like pets, or even plant-eaters, because their body-chemistry can change in lighter vibrations. The Lemurian vibration, which goes beyond the survival paradigm, beyond feeding on another, is coming back to the New Earth.
The Divine mother embraces all, including predators and prey. Perhaps your body requires the vibration of meat, or emotionally you function through baring your teeth. Embrace the fierce Lion inside, and also the vulnerable Lamb who might feel victimized, alone or abandoned. Love yourself by expressing your Truth fully, and by letting go of judgment.
This card signifies that your vibration is raising to integrate the Lion and the Lamb. Do you identify as either a predator or a prey? All is embraced now in Divine Love, which allows you to observe the reactions of the Lion and the Lamb. You are bringing these parts together, back into harmony through insight and compassion.
If you have felt defensive recently, then this was the Lion in you. This mighty being was trying to protect you, because there was a deeply vulnerable lamb inside of you. Or do you feel like a victim sometimes? The Lamb in you can feel misunderstood, rejected, or abandoned. As the lamb, you need to let go of these identities to take your place next to the Lion. Allow deep healing for both the Lion and the Lamb.
To transform, the Lion and the Lamb need to listen to each other, to understand and befriend each other. Do you feel confused about the Lion in you, about feeling angry or even aggressive? Then this place where you don’t understand the Lion is the place where you feel misunderstood yourself. This is the place where you now get a new opportunity to get in touch with the wounds of the Lamb.
- Peacemaker through Inner Peace
- Resolving ancient splits
- The Lion and the Lamb,
“To the analytical mind, the Lion and the Lamb coming together is beyond reason, it is a miracle. However, seeing with the eyes of my True Self, the union of the Lion and the Lamb is only a natural consequence, the next step in evolution of consciousness.”
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Peace beyond Survival
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