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Dear one, you have drawn this card to reassure you about pushing the veils aside. It is time to end this crazy game that you have been playing, this game of fitting in and surviving. You are taken care of in all ways.

What you see with your eyes is not always a complete truth. It would be a more complete truth if you would see all the angels and archangels that are guiding you. It would be more complete if the love and care of your cosmic family would be visible to you. It will be complete when you see that your Earthly existence is only a wave within an ocean of love and bliss.

Upon this clear sight, this love and care, everything is instantly resolved. External circumstances lose their power over you, they don’t have the same significance because they don’t define you.

Let everything be resolved now beyond the opinions of the mind. As the creator of your life you can let it be so. This is your infinite power. When there is no second thought, there is no problem.

Within the veils, so much is hidden from you. Within this illusion your mind creates a reality that is shared in the collective consciousness of humanity. But now you are putting an end to this. Choose to see the true reality that is your birthright. This is the real reality where you are always embraced in unconditional love. This is the reality that the Earth was created with support from the Sirian Emissaries. They are encouraging you to see beyond the illusion, they are guiding you into your true nature.

There is nothing that you need to understand or define to be welcomed into Truth and Love. You don’t need a philosophy, you don’t need to be in a state of consciousness or realization. The doors of Heaven on Earth are open to anyone, there are no conditions.

Close your eyes now and see yourself walk through these doors of bliss, the doors to Heaven on Earth. See how your whole body illuminates and realize that this is not a fantasy, it is your Divine Birth-right.

- Realign Beyond Polarity

- Higher Self Expression

- Collapse of Old Timelines into Pure Expression in this Life

- New Insights

- Spirit coming more Fully into Matter

- Soul Awareness Dissolving into Higher-Self’s Awareness.

- Higher-Self Embodiment.

Related card: Sirian Emissaries

“I am wrapped in Love in Heaven on Earth.”

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