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Lemurian Starchild, do you feel a weight of many identities, which are like cloaks you are wearing? Each time you release one of these “personas,” more of your True Self is revealed to you.

Some see these “cloaks” as sin, karma, ancestry or biology; all of them can be dropped freely now. There is no debt that needs to be repaid, because it is all forgiven in Ascension. However, to claim freedom from your past, you need to experience freedom as a core truth.

The message of this card is to see through beliefs and emotional attachments that keep the cloaks in place. No other outside force is holding you back from revealing, receiving, and claiming your True Self. Your cloaks are ancient relics that have no true power now.

Dear one, between the Eden of Lemuria and the present time, there have been many Earth disasters. The residue of these events is stored in your emotional memory. By remembering the pristine energy of Lemuria, you can resource yourself. You are then better able to face any emotional processing in your inner space and that of the people around you.

Would you like to feel the strength that allows you to take off these cloaks and show your True Self? This power comes from within, and can be inspired by your light family. When you realize that there are many who support you, both in the flesh and in spirit, you can more easily muster the courage to shine completely.

Without these cloaks, your true life unfolds. Now everyone can see your light; you are no longer hiding it. When you open your heart, you might also expose some wounds. Allow this process; allow the sacred wounds to heal. They need to be seen in order to heal.

The more cloaks you take off, the more you adjust to being naked. Children understand that the cloaks are imaginary, just like in the fairy tale 'The emperor's new clothes'. Now you are naked emotionally; you are showing your heart to the world. Realize that you don’t need anyone’s approval; you have the blessing of your Family of Light.

- Releasing old identities

- Magnificence Realized

- Unveiling your highest truth

- Source-self

- Lightbody

“When I release who I thought I was, I allow the true depths of my Divine Beingness to be revealed to me in each moment.”

“My Heart shines with joyful starlight.”

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