- Sacred Gifts
- Energy Senses
- Pure Love is the Key.
- Honor and use them.
- They are natural.
- Miracles.
- Instant manifestation.
- Healing.
- Clairvoyance.
- Light Language.
Many gifts of light are upon you, and the key to unlock them is designed in the Language of Light. Look at the key in the picture of this card, for it contains all the codes that you need for this New Earth activation. You are invited to attune to your multidimensional awareness, to go beyond the linear mind.
The gifts allow you to integrate more of yourself; to receive your divine frequencies and colors of ascension in the physical. You have drawn this card for encouragement and confirmation that your gifts are important, and to show you that the key to manifestation is already in your hands. The gifts of abundance, divine abilities and even miracles are at your fingertips, when you allow yourself to be guided by Divine Will.
Your hands, as tools for manifestation, unlock these gifts of light. Allow Archangel Michael to come into your hands, to activate your DNA and to unlock these gifts. Hold the palm of your hand over the card picture for a moment, so that your skin can also absorb the codes of light.
Groups of photons start to resonate in sacred patterns, and the cells in your hands can see the codes of light, and they transmit it through all other cells in your body. In the same way, when your eyes see the encodements, they transmit the photonic light to your master cell, the pineal gland, and throughout your brain.
This multidimensional information can then be transmitted to others through your energy emanation, your words, your singing voice or your visual expression. You start to transmit light language in all of these forms, which is the key to unlocking many other gifts of light.
Use your physical sense perceptions as a doorway to see with your spiritual eyes now, to see the encodements, the sacred symbols and languages come to life. They are templates from which your unique gifts develop, in accordance with the sacred frequencies and Higher Self vibrations which are received in your physical body.
Do you feel confident enough to use your gifts of light? In the fear-based paradigm, these gifts were seen as dangerous, as only to be used by a select group. This fear was created to control and manipulate the masses.
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