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You are always guided, Lemurian Starchild, sometimes in subtle, sometimes in obvious ways. Drawing this card means that you are guided by pearl emanation, and that lightness and vibrancy indicate the direction of your Heart.

Do you feel you need to know more about the future, would you like to look in a crystal ball? The way of pearls helps you to see the beauty and wisdom of the step that you are taking right now. As a Lemurian Starchild you are beyond space and time, beyond all judgments and expectations of the mind. The way of pearls shows you multidimensional wisdom and clarity through its great beauty.

In your hands is not a crystal ball, but a beautiful Pearl that is given to you by your Lemurian guides. This etheric pearl shows you not the answers that the mind would like, but connects you to your heart, where you find a bigger vision and purpose. Gently, a soft voice starts guiding you into this loving connection:

“When everything of certainty and clarity is out of reach, seeking for the clear vision of a crystal ball, for clarity and clear knowing is understandable. However, if we look deeper, we find we are already on the Way of Pearls and softly, a gentler light is calling us. Shimmering hues of palest rainbow glisten, mesmerize and enchant rather than elucidate, yet, somehow it does not matter, in this soft and beautiful radiance the questions are fading away.

The Way of Pearls is a route of growth, starting as an attempt to ease our discomfort when any certainty seems hidden. The fear of uncertainty is the friction, yet even though we quickly realize that looking outside of ourself for answers just aggravates the situation, turning inwards has taken time. When we do though, we find our own sensitive and caring hands, our own soothing balm, and lo, our healing really begins.

Today we realize that the perfect Grace of an Infinite Omnipresent Lover has been guiding each of our beloved footsteps within and without. And through our heart's faithful response, a Divine Alchemy has occurred, creating an exquisite combination of delicate softness and strength within us. Not only that, we find an enchanted Holy path ahead of us, and on our heroes quest we have unveiled our radiance, which is now Blessing the World.

The last shifting sands that made our pearls slip through the narrow neck of time now and a New Era is begun. The old need for 20:20 foresight does not apply in this, the Age of Love, of Presence and in this, our New Life, beginning as it does without death's intervention or the donning of veils of forgetfulness.

- Liminal Space

- New Energies

- Trust

- Time of growth

- Beautiful outcomes with New Shimmering Energies

- Healing

“The Way of Pearls presents as a shining path of light that leads me through uncertainty.”

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