Attune to the consciousness of the mighty Whale, the bringer of wisdom, ancient and new. The Whale carries the wisdom of the Heart, the wisdom that is instant because it is not analytical. The brain of the whale is one with its heart; this being has pure intelligence.
You might ask why the Whale, the creature on earth that has the biggest brain of the Heart, does not doubt itself. The whale does not measure its worth through the mistakes it makes. Some whales wash ashore, but they do not punish themselves or see themselves as a failure. The wisdom of the whale does not induce any fear.
The whale carries vast wisdom, even knowledge about its own mortality. The whale knows the judgments of humans, good or bad, and is completely unafraid and unselfconscious to human opinion. The universal self-consciousness of the whale occurs on a much deeper level, for it is knowledge beyond space and time, and beyond thought.
The confidence of the Whale is also in you, the confidence that is not limited by knowledge of possible mistakes, or by reflections on yourself through the eyes of others. This confidence comes from a deeper self-consciousness, where you know yourself as the Divine.
The whale descends deeply, abiding in cosmic libraries on the innermost planes of the ocean. This is where it downloads enormous amounts of wisdom, without any fear or resistance to the content of it. In the wisdom of the Heart there is no need to fear anything that happens on the surface of the Earth.
In human mind terms, knowledge is power, but to the mighty Whale, knowledge is Love. So is the different Paradigm, the new Paradigm of the New Earth. Love sets you free through the transmission of knowledge, the transmission of light and information.
The whale transmits its knowledge through sonar waves, acoustic waves which also carry light vibrations. Much is still to be discovered about these waves of light and intelligence, and it will be discovered as soon as humanity is ready to know. When an acoustic wave reaches the bottom of the ocean, it converts into a seismic wave, and when it reaches the surface of the ocean, it converts into a wave of light. The original vibration of intelligence is preserved in this conversion, and the wave continues to spread its knowledge, its light intelligence, throughout the universe.
- Depth of Experience and Healing
- Teacher and Mentor
- Share your wisdom
- Deep emotions
- Healing
- You are supported and guided.
“I attune to the Whale and allow its wisdom and Magical Knowing to touch my Heart.”
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Whale Teaching
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