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What is the Lemurian Starchild Oracle?
This beautiful deck of 88 inspired Oracle Cards and a 340 page book, steeped in Lemurian starry wisdom, assists those who resonate with the Global Mass Awakening. The Lemurian energies offer a powerful heart-opening Template to guide the conscious creators of the New Earth. These clear energies support us as we connect with our inner Starchild and open multidimensional gates to Ascended and Angelic beings. Their message: “Within you and everyone, is a Lemurian Starchild, who carries all the sacred codes and abilities you were originally created with. This is truly your most natural self, and it is arising again.”

Who brought through the energies of the Lemurian Starchild Oracle?
Leanne and Michiel jointly brought through the energies and insights of the Lemurian Starchild Oracle, expressing them in words, art and light language. This Divine cocreation was made possible through their own dedicated spiritual healing and devotional paths. Both had spiritual awakenings in their late teens and began meditating, healing and clearing their energy fields as a result. Their paths led both to develop a depth of insight and awareness that occasioned a series of 'synchronistic' meetings resulting in a powerful connection, that coincided with the amazing possibility of travelling together to sacred sites around Europe in a camper van. It was here that the joint messages and art began to emerge.
Michiel and Leanne healing circles, workshops and retreats related not only to their Oracle Cards, but to their continued involvement with the Lemurian, Pleiadian and New Earth energies.

Explore More and join the Global Mass Awakening
Discover more about the Lemurian Starchild Oracle and explore our range of products including prints, greetings cards, jewellery, clothing, and accessories at You can also read more about our on-line Healing Circle in which we go in-depth with a card each month.

Leanne and Michiel

The Lemurian Starchild Oracle by Michiel Kroon and Leanne Ta Iki Anawa

The Lemurian Starchild Oracle box and cards (book not displayed)

Card for the day

The Lemurian Starchild Oracle

Receive Divine Guidance

The Lemurian Starchild Oracle is a wonderful tool to connect to your Inner Child, and a doorway to your Heart. Read more...

Get a tailored card


Personalize Your Reading with Gematria: Get a Card Based on Your Intention

Remember, love is the key—❤️ opens a card!

Unlock Ancient Wisdom for Clarity and Direction


At, every card holds a message waiting to be discovered. Our transformative art project allows you to pick a Lemurian Starchild Oracle Card for divine guidance attuned to the celestial movements of the Pleiades stars.

Discover an excellent way to pick Oracle Cards that isn't available anywhere else.

Discover Your Lemurian Starchild Message

Pen and notebook background

What was the inspiration for the New Paradigm App?

Following the successful launch of the Lemurian Starchild Oracle, the next natural step was to extend our reach into the digital realm. We had long considered the possibility of an app, and with the oracle's success, I delved deeper into its development.

During this phase, my spiritual guides imparted mathematical formulas and energies accessible through selecting a card.

Initially overwhelmed by the complex ideas presented by my guides, I gradually decoded the mathematical formulas, uncovering the profound concept of attunements. This innovative method not only uses each oracle card as a spiritual guide but also organizes the deck in a specific sequence to enhance the divination process.

How are the cards sorted within an Oracle Card Attunement?

The idea that I was presented with by my guides is that the order of the cards dances in a particular way that is influenced by celestial movements. For each attunement the order of the oracle cards changes over time in a particular way. By following this guidance, I have created the digital oracle app in alignment with these divine energies, offering a truly unprecedented way to interact with the deck.

For instance, by selecting the Arise Attunement — easily accessible by clicking the 'Arise' card on the 'app' page of our Lemurian Starchild Art website — the cards are organized according to the celestial alignment at that moment. This synchronization ensures that when you choose a card, it's ideally matched to your current spiritual journey, offering a personalized and cosmic alignment that is perfectly attuned to your needs.

How to pick an attunement in the digital oracle app?
You don't need to think about it, just click on the picture you like best. When you join the website, you will also get attunement updates. They give you a set of 7 attunements with keywords, allowing you to reflect on the words a bit more. But really, all you need to do is trust that the one you select is the right one.

Explore Celestial Guidance Now

You can get a stack of cards in ordered in alignment with celestial movements right now - go to the 'app' page and let the divination process guide you to the right attunement.

The inspiration and creation of this website, to pick a card on-line

by Michiel Kroon

Birth of an App

Starry Sky
Blue light

(c) Leanne Ta'Iki Anawa & Michiel Kroon. This website is for artistic purposes only (see footer)

About the Attunements

Lemurian Starchild Oracle Box

What are Attunements?

Attunements are ways to order the cards in the Lemurian Starchild Oracle. They change every few days and depend on the movement of the Pleiades stars. Selecting an Attunement helps you to start interacting with the energy.

Clicking on an attunement leads you to a set of cards to pick from.

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